
Cale d’Etoiles Coolitude – Cargo Hold of Stars ENGLISH Edition

Longlisted for the Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize! Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude by Khal Torabully, translated from the French by Nancy Naomi Carlson The Oxford-Weidenfeld Prize is for book-length literary translations into English from any living European language. It aims to honour the craft of translation and to recognise its cultural importance. With Cargo Hold of Stars, […]... Read More
1 Coolie on a Tube Train 2 Coolie at Oxford Circus 3 Sukie and the Coolie 4 Coolie on Display

Afterlives: Coolie Voyaging with Danny Flynn

Afterlives:  Coolie Voyaging with Danny Flynn The nineteenth century Indian labour migrants who were photographed at the Mauritius Immigration Depot could not have imagined that their portraits, beautifully reworked into limited edition screenprints by artist Danny Flynn would one day travel on the London underground, visit Oxford Circus or be displayed at the Bang Studios […]... Read More


Review/Compte Rendu – L’Express ‘Coolitude’ par Christian Cuniah Depuis la conscientisation et la revalorisation de l’identité de l’homme noir par les Africains de la diaspora, débutant en Amérique et ensuite, dans les sociétés coloniales francophones, nous avons été témoins de plusieurs mouvements identitaires, littéraires et parfois à connotations ethniques. La Négritude, la Créolité, l’Antillanité et […]... Read More
Recruit Ember Walker

Why Did You Go Overseas?

Why Did You Go Overseas? A Recruit Il était de Tanjore, Aventurier de l’or Et tambour-major   He was from Tanjore An adventurer seeking gold And a drummer. Khal Torabully, Chair Corail, Fragments Coolies   Come, you from the Grand Peninsula Into the small isle of France. Come to dance the immense twilight, To purify […]... Read More